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Ditch the filters Find it faster

Discover the ideal candidate effortlessly with advanced search capabilities. Seamlessly connect with top talents through precise, AI-driven profile matching.

New way of searching professionals

Traditional methods of filtering and hiring talent online often require significant effort and multiple attempts to yield relevant results. By integrating advanced AI models with up-to-date data, we aim to simplify and accelerate this process, delivering precise profiles with unmatched efficiency.

Designed to be interactive and conversational

Kariudo will quickly connect you with the professionals you’re looking for—whether they’re developers, salespeople, or founders—by providing up-to-date information from world-class APIs. You’ll also have the ability to ask follow-up questions about each person.

Built on top of GPT and world-class API

Kariudo is built on the latest GPT model from OpenAI, integrated with world-class APIs from People Data Labs and CoreSignal.

Find the right plan for your team

Choose a plan that best fits your needs


Perfect for small teams and startups

Limited to 2 accounts
Limited to 1600 profiles (200 prompts)
Limited support

Ideal for growing businesses

Limited to 5 accounts
Limited to 4000 profiles (500 prompts)
Priority support

Custom solutions for large organizations

Custom number of accounts
Custom number of profiles
Premium support

Find a talent
warp speed